Sword of the Spirit
The Sword of the Spirit (Pedang Roh) is our tri-monthly free buletin. It contains many theological issues, as well as practical articles and encouragement for Christians. Downloadthese for free. The buletins are in Indonesian language.
- Sword of the Spirit 41st edition: Nyatakan Apa yang Salah
- Sword of the Spirit 42nd edition: Iblis Ikutan Beritakan Injil
- Sword of the Spirit 43rd edition: Demo Tuhan dengan Doa?
- Sword of the Spirit 44th edition: Mereka Menyesatkan dan Disesatkan
- Sword of the Spirit 45th edition: Negara yang Diberkati dan Dikutuki Tuhan
- Sword of the Spirit 46th edition: Tubuh Tuhan di Dunia
- Sword of the Spirit 47th edition: Wabah Terdahsyat terhadap Kekristenan
- Sword of the Spirit 48th edition: Hebat Sekali Perempuan Itu
- Sword of the Spirit 49th edition: Kongres ke-8
- Sword of the Spirit 50th edition: Mengapa Hatimu Panas dan Mukamu Muram
- Sword of the Spirit 51st edition: Menghapus Hukuman Mati?
- Sword of the Spirit 52nd edition: HUT XII & Natal 2007
- Sword of the Spirit 53rd edition: Bahasa Roh / Lidah?
- Sword of the Spirit 54th edition: Imamat yang Rajani
- Sword of the Spirit 55th edition: Segambar & Serupa Allah
- Sword of the Spirit 56th edition: Enyahlah DaripadaKu…
- Sword of the Spirit 57th edition: Anda Mendekat ke Ujung Mana?
- Sword of the Spirit 58th edition: Antichrist’s One World Economy
- Sword of the Spirit 59th edition: Iblis Sedang Menghancurkan Gereja Tionghoa
- Sword of the Spirit 60th edition: Sinyal yang Salah
- Sword of the Spirit 61st edition: Siapakah Nama Sang Pencipta?
- Sword of the Spirit 62nd edition: Awas! Injil Tipu Muslihat!
- Sword of the Spirit 63rd edition: Saksi Jehovah? Saksi Yesus!
- Sword of the Spirit 64th edition: Menginjil Sambil Menggenggam Pedang?
- Sword of the Spirit 65th edition: Belilah Kebenaran
- Sword of the Spirit 66th edition: Unta Masuk Lubang Jarum
- Sword of the Spirit 67th edition: Graphe, Gereja Penuh Mujizat
- Sword of the Spirit 68th edition: Perempuan Boleh Khotbah di Graphe
- Sword of the Spirit 69th edition: Negara Itu Hamba Allah?
- Sword of the Spirit 70th edition: Penciptaan vs Evolusi
- Sword of the Spirit 71st edition: Belilah Kebenaran
- Sword of the Spirit 72nd edition: Alkitab Kebenaran Absolut
- Sword of the Spirit 73rd edition: Suhento Liauw Jadi Presiden
- Sword of the Spirit 74th edition: Gereja Anda Termasuk Kelompok Mana?
- Sword of the Spirit 75th edition: Sembarangan Menuduh Orang Lain Sesat
- Sword of the Spirit 76th edition: Ayah yang Sengaja Menelantarkan Anak
- Sword of the Spirit 77th edition: Pelayanan Wanita yang Menyenangkan Allah
- Sword of the Spirit 78th edition: Alkitab Adalah Dasar Semua Pengetahuan
- Sword of the Spirit 79th edition: Kristen Artinya Pengikut Kristus
- Sword of the Spirit 80th edition: Gereja Awal di Nusantara
- Sword of the Spirit 81st edition: Nabi Palsu Dinyatakan
- Sword of the Spirit 82nd edition: Berkunjung ke Israel
- Sword of the Spirit 83rd edition: Alkitab Mendukung Hukuman Mati
- Sword of the Spirit 84th edition: Dua Puluh Tahun Bersinar dan Semakin Cemerlang
- Sword of the Spirit 85th edition: Rapture Sudah Sangat Dekat
- Sword of the Spirit 86th edition: Kristen Tak Perlu IMB Rumah Ibadah
- Sword of the Spirit 87th edition: Ebionit Modern Melanda Indonesia
- Sword of the Spirit 88th edition: Gelombang Pendeta Menjadi Mualaf
- Sword of the Spirit 89th edition: Tanda di Dahi & Tangan
- Sword of the Spirit 90th edition: Demokrasi
- Sword of the Spirit 91st edition: Menabur Menuai
- Sword of the Spirit 92nd edition: Kekristenan & Adat-Istiadat
- Sword of the Spirit 93rd edition: Iblis Juga Bisa Buat Mujizat
- Sword of the Spirit 94th edition: OSAS
- Sword of the Spirit 95th edition: Tragedi Kompromi
- Sword of the Spirit 96th edition: Mengapa Kristen Eropa Kalah?
- Sword of the Spirit 97th edition: Allah Menyebabkan Mereka Percaya Dusta
- Sword of the Spirit 98th edition: Demokrasi – Mungkinkah Iblis Diam Tidak Menjamahnya?
- Sword of the Spirit 99th edition: Taurat: Dibatalkan atau Digenapi?
- Sword of the Spirit 100th edition: Konsisten
- Sword of the Spirit 101st edition: Pemain Belakang
- Sword of the Spirit 102nd edition: Membongkar Tipu Muslihat Iblis
- Sword of the Spirit 103rd edition: Virus Terdahsyat
- Sword of the Spirit 104th edition: Perpecahan Harus, Permusuhan Tidak Boleh
- Sword of the Spirit 105th edition: Tritunggal Alkitabiah
- Sword of the Spirit 106th edition: Ruge – Rumah Gereja
- Sword of the Spirit 107th edition: Dua Kategori Kesesatan
- Sword of the Spirit 108th edition: Spiritual Distancing
- Sword of the Spirit 109th edition: Penistaan Agama
- Sword of the Spirit 110th edition: Pertempuran Rohani
- Sword of the Spirit 111st edition: Allah Maha Kasih atau Maha Kejam
- Sword of the Spirit 112nd edition: Setia, Setia & Setia Sampai Tiba di Surga
- Sword of the Spirit 113rd edition: Pelita yang Ada Minyaknya
- Sword of the Spirit 114th edition: Bersatu Hati & Bersemangat
- Sword of the Spirit 115th edition: Persembahan yang Hidup
- Sword of the Spirit 116th edition: Maju sambil Memandang Kristus
- Sword of the Spirit 117th edition: Menyimak Pelajaran dari Sejarah
- Sword of the Spirit 118th edition: Jika Yohanes Bukan Elia, Yesus Bukan Mesias
- Sword of the Spirit 119th edition: Nama Tritunggal Pencipta
- Sword of the Spirit 120th edition: Kristen dan Politik
Here are some articles from the Sword of the Spirit, which have been translated into English:
- The Antichrist’s One World Economy (from the 58th edition)
- What Made the USA Great (from the 59th edition)
- The Wrong Signal From the 60th edition)
- Calvinism (from the 60th edition)
- Jehovah Witness (from the 60th edition)
- Worldly Gospel from the 62nd edition)
- Buy the Truth (from the 65th edition)
- The Ten Virgins (from the 65th edition)